Soil Formation.
How is soil formed?
Soil formation is a process that takes time. Erosion from weather and climate conditions such as wind and rain, cold and heat work to disintegrate rock breaking it down to smaller particles creating different soil types.
Types of soil?
Topsoil is the uppermost layer of the earth, what we grow on. Topsoil can contain sandy, silty, clay or loam soil types. Native soil is the soil found at the site. It is what is already available, native. Modified soil includes the native soil at the site plus soil amendment like compost which is added to prepare the soil for suitable plant growth.
Is soil texture important?
Soil textures are based on particle size. Largest to smallest particle sizes are, sand, silt then clay. Soil texture correlates with particle size and has a substantial effect on plant growth. Sandy soils being largest in size hold little water. Water flushes through sandy soil quickly.

Medium or loam soil, which is a mix of all three particles are best suited for plant growth. Smallest soil particle is clay. Clay soils can be difficult to work with. Water in clay soil flows slowly keeping the soil wet longer.