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Snow Mold on Turf Grass.

Gray Snow Mold is common in lawns with snow cover over unfrozen soil. North facing lawns are at highest risk as extended periods of snow covers the lawn melting then freezing while snow continues to accumulate. Symptoms if not spotted during winters end can be easily seen during spring snow melt. Lawns will have a greyish tint and a matted down appearance. There may also be a light mycelium cover over the area affected.

Pink Snow Mold is very similar to grey snow mold however, pink snow mold can develop with or without snow cover. Like grey snow mold, symptoms are more obvious in the spring during or after snow melt. Pink snow mold shows

circular patches with dull pink covering in and around the edges of the patches.

An effective way to ward off these diseases start with the nurturing of grasses in the fall and winter months. The stronger the lawn is going into winter the better it will be in the spring. Fertilizing in fall is helpful for roots to uptake nutrients prior to winter dormancy when growth stops. Along with fertilization, a fall and winter water regimen is important for lawns to maintain uniform soil moisture. If ice forms or snow accumulates, chip away ice covering grassy areas and do not allow snow to store up over these areas. Rake up any parts of lawn matted down to get oxygen flowing throughout the blades of grass again.

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