A combination of warm and cool season grasses
Colorado Buffalo Blend™ -
Colorado Buffalo Blend™ grass is a combination of Buffalo grass, Bluegrama, Chewing Fescue, and Canadian Blue Grass. Both the Buffalo and Bluegrama area warm season, native varieties that can require very little water and maintenance. The Canadian Blue Grass and Chewing Fescue are cool season, low water, low growing turf grasses.
A new turf blend for your Xeric Landscape
Combination warm and cool season grasses- green in Summer, Spring, and Fall
Half of the water usage of Kentucky Bluegrass
Excellent density that helps control weeds in the Spring
Drought tolerance of Buffalo and Blue Grama
Watering is critical during establishment, which is typical for any turf. Water DAILY for the first ten to fourteen days. Keep the turf moist and do not let it dry out. For the first year of establishment, it is recommended that your new Colorado Buffalo Blend™ be watered like it was bluegrass. The proper establishment in the first year will lead to a healthy, vigorous turf that will lead to significant water savings in the future years.